The CATS Foundation

Update on The CATS Foundation

The CATS Foundation

THE CATS FOUNDATION has now been up and running for three months and we wanted to give everyone an update on our progress!

So far we have exceeded all of the goals which we set for the last three months! We have put together a list of all of our key highlights within this period which is shown in the list below.

You can read more about each landmark for the charity and please continue the good work everyone has been doing of spreading the word about the THE CATS FOUNDATION!

      1. Raised over £7, 000
      2. Contacted by numerous families affected by Tay-Sachs
      3. Organised our first mass participation event
      4. Ordered and sold charity branded merchandise
      5. Ordered equipment for a family affected by Tay-Sachs

1. Raised over £7,000

We had set a target of £5,000 for us to raise in the first 3 months of the charity being established so we could begin the process of getting registered. The charity commission has this minimum amount required to enable us to be on the register and to allow us to start using the online fund raising tools such as JustGiving.

Due to the generosity of many people we far exceeded this target and were able to complete all the documentation which is required to be a registered charity! Unfortunately it takes time for this to be approved by the commission and we are still waiting – hopefully we can get this soon! Once we are registered we will let everyone know!

If you would like to make a donation to the charity so we can keep up the great fund raising effort we have had so far you can access the donate now page here.

2. Contacted by numerous families affected by Tay-Sachs

One of the objectives of THE CATS FOUNDATION was to create somewhere that families affected by Tay-Sachs could be put in contact with one another. Within the UK there is only the excellent CLIMB charity who provide support to Tay-Sachs affected families while in the US there are two brilliant buy effexor online charities called Cure Tay Sachs and NTSAD which provide this service.

So far we have had some success in enabling other families to discuss how they are coping and passing on help to others. We hope to be in a position within a year to have a list which we can then distribute to those families affected (with everyone’s approval on the list) so they can see the support network available to them. This will be much the same as what the NTSAD do, but with a UK and European focus.

3. Organised our first mass participation event

On the 10th September we have had over 20 people sign up to take part in a 5km run! Everyone is going to be wearing THE CATS FOUNDATION t-shirts so we can promote the charity to raise awareness of it!

4. Ordered and sold charity branded merchandise

Our charity merchandise list is slowly growing – at the moment we have wrist bands and t-shirts available for people to buy where all the money goes to THE CATS FOUNDATION.

In addition, we have ordered and are awaiting delivery of some mini piggy banks to go with our Change for a Charity challenge! You can read more on what the challenge involves here.

5. Ordered equipment for a family affected by Tay-Sachs

One of the main objectives of the THE CATS FOUNDATION, after providing funds for research, is to help those families affected by Tay-Sachs get equipment which they are not able to get from their health provider.

We are currently in talks with a family who require some additional equipment to help their child at home. When we have more details on this we will publish a post on it!

Finally, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has made a donation to THE CATS FOUNDATION and anyone who has or will be raising money for us an upcoming event!

You can check out our event list here – please get in touch if there are any you would like to join us for.

We will continue to provide you with updates on how we are getting on!

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