
Awareness campaign




November 2023

This new and groundbreaking campaign is aimed at raising awareness and promoting early detection of Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff within the HCP community. Developed and launched through the PM Society annual Creativity for Good initiative which finds a pro bono agency partner for a charity each year, we were fortunate at the Cure & Action for Tay-Sachs (CATS) Foundation to be the chosen charity in 2023!

The campaign

The campaign was launched in November 2023 with the aim to support the early diagnosis of Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff disease. Targeting HCPs, we believe that this campaign will be a big different to our community.

The campaign will ensure that we can educate HCPs on the diagnostic process for the diseases.


We know that there is a delay in diagnosis for our community - we are trying to stop this.


We want to enable a quick diagnosis through educating HCPs on the tests that can be performed.

Next steps

The success of the campaign can be viewed by clicking the video image.

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