Clinicians & industry
February 2023
The CATS Foundation presented a poster titled “Empowering the GM1 and GM2 community with a co-created education resource about a natural history study” at the WORLDSymposium in 2023. The event, held in Orlando enabled us to share the work we had completed alongside Azafaros and other advocacy groups to raise awareness of what a natural history study is.

About WORLDSymposium
WORLDSymposium™ is an annual research conference dedicated to lysosomal diseases. WORLD is an acronym that stands for We’re Organizing Research on Lysosomal Diseases. Since its inception as a small group of passionate researchers in 2002, WORLDSymposium has grown to an international research conference that attracts over 2000 participants from more than 50 countries around the globe. WORLDSymposium is designed for basic, translational and clinical researchers, patient advocacy groups, clinicians, and all others who are interested in learning more about the latest discoveries related to lysosomal diseases and the clinical investigation of these advances. Each year, WORLDSymposium presents the latest information from basic science, translational research, and clinical trials for lysosomal diseases.
Empowering the GM1 and GM2 community with a co-created education resource about a natural history study.
The poster shows how we were involved in the creation of educational resources for the community.
Key message
Co-creating content with families and advocacy can help industry explain their projects.
How to share
The poster can be shared via the button at the top of this page.
Reference the publication
WORLDSymposium™ does not publish the full-text of the abstracts online; the full-text is available only from Elsevier for accepted abstracts submitted which are then published in the February 2023 special “Lysosomes Issue” of Molecular Genetics and Metabolism (MGM). The reference for the poster publication is below.
Lewi, D., Pangonis, D., Stokes, L., Cognitant, A. M., & Linthorst, G. (2023). Empowering the GM1 and GM2 community with a co-created education resource about a natural history study. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 138(2), 107204.